How to write a term paper
Monday, August 24, 2020
What is the role of the supernatural epilogue to Gogol's Shinel ( the Essay
What is the job of the heavenly epilog to Gogol's Shinel ( the Overcoat) Does it drive you as a peruser to rethink the importance of the story, or doest it expel any significance the story may have had - Essay Example e works of extraordinary Russian specialists of short story composing, for example, Turgenev and Dostoyevsky, he naturally comprehends to what degree ‘The Overcoat’ has wrapped them up with its auxiliary just as stylish impact. The storyline of The Overcoat is basic and it rotates around the every day battle of the hero Akakii Akakievich for his endurance. Use of the otherworldly epilog in the short story gives it an extraordinary component and it continuously takes the peruser from ordinary presence to a universe of powerful presence. As we wrap up the short story, we feel that Gogol’s usage of otherworldly material in the story fills certain need. It gives the story a novel measurement as well as simultaneously, he likewise utilizes the heavenly component as an instrument to uncover genuine character of the general public and its occupants. To comprehend the significance of the heavenly epilog in ‘The Overcoat,’ it is critical to center over progression of occurrences in the story. The peruser, as details perusing the story, finds that Gogol has given brilliant depiction of the hero and his day by day life. Over the span of perusing the story the peruser feels that he can nearly picture the entire thing and this nature of Gogol has remembered him among current pundits as ‘a pioneer of another â€Å"naturalist†aesthetics’. The hero of the story, Akakii Akakievich, is a run of the mill individual from the white collar class society of Gogol’s time and wins his employment by working in an administration office. The writer has given nitty gritty depiction of the protagonist’s obvious highlights just with the reason to tell the peruser that he doesn't forces any such outside highlights that would separate him from the rest. He is only a typical man, who has â€Å"†¦short of height, to some degree blemished, rather red-haired, rather visually impaired, according to appearances, with a little bare spot on his temple, with wrink les on his cheeks, with a composition of the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Mob Mentality and Colonial Failure †Free Samples to Students
Question: Examine about the Mob Mentality and Colonial Failure. Answer: Presentation The film They're a Weird Mob is a typical Australian comic composed by John O'Grady about Nino Culotta who showed up in Australia as an Italian migrant. Nino came to Australia as he was guaranteed an occupation as a writer by his cousin in his cousin magazine. Nonetheless, on his appearance to Australia Nino discovers that the magazines collapsed and his cousin had done a sprinter and the cash which he had sent to him as the toll was acquired from a little girl of a manager of a development firm. While in Australia Nino attempts to get himself a living with the goal that he can cook for his fundamental needs.(Carter Welsh, 2018, p.1) therefore, Nino winds up working in a development firm where his cousin had acquired his charge from. Nino as a persevering man buckles down in his new work site, and he makes a great deal of companions with local people. While on his development work where he does a great deal of difficult work like laying the blocks Nino meets Kay who is the girl of the supervisor in the development firm and whom his cousin had obtained his admission from. From the start, Kay and Nino contend a ton, and later on, they began to look all starry eyed at one another. Sooner or later, Kay chooses to present Nino, his darling to his dad. In any case, things don't turn out to be as they expected as Kay's dad loathes Journalists, moves just as bricklayers.(Hanlon, 2017, p.31) Nino attempts to win Kay's dad with his charms and assurance to wed Kay. In this paper, we are going to cover and dissect the Australian culture which is generally perceived as exact. The film They're a Weird Mob title allude not exclusively to the vagrant yet in addition the peculiar conduct of the Australian culture as apparent through the look of an outsider. Australians have some constructive and pessimistic mentalities towards individuals who are not conceived in their country the board. This is on the grounds that Australians esteem their lifestyle and they invest wholeheartedly in their nation and its kin. As per the new research, there are a ton of positive perception which is made.(Miles, 2017, p.32) This is on the grounds that most of Australians have a high distinguishing proof of their country and they express a solid feeling of having a place just as investing heavily of their method of living, and they trust it is noteworthy to keep up that method of living. Every one of these perceptions are named positive and great in light of the fact that without them the cohesiveness of the country is subverted. Nonetheless, on the issue of migration appear to be concerned and confused.(Torres, 2017, p.14) According to an examination directed unmistakably 47% of Australians imagine that movement level is high to their country and 46% rate considers right or excessively few. Later research demonstrates that an enormous level of Australians approve of moves to their country. This is on the grounds that new aptitudes and innovation are acquainted with their country. The film They're a Weird Mob which is about a youngster Nino who shows up in Australia looking for work as a games writer it shows that Nino would have utilized his abilities to improve the news coverage industry in Australia. Nino in the wake of neglecting to make it to news coverage he picks to work in a development firm which shows that wellspring of work is acquainted with the country. Australian additionally accepts that foreigners to their country would expand their comprehension of different dialects and solidarity with different countries. Kay who experiences passionate feelings for Nino because of Nino been utilized by her dad in the development firm cut off up building a decent association with Kay's dad in spite of the way that he loathes outsider s, columnist, and bricklayer because of his assurance to wed Kay. This shows in the wake of having a decent connection with individuals from other country, Australians accepts they would be in a superior work environment successfully with different countries for instance like in exchange exercises and be in a situation to trade what they have with what they need without any issues and misunderstandings.(Janssen, 2017, p.3) Australians uplifting mentalities towards settlers are on the grounds that they think building up a decent connection with foreigners by rewarding them well will empower them to have the option to make a trip to different countries and be dealt with the equivalent in the event that they need to because of exchange exercises and even in look for of openings for work simply like Nino. Australians likewise accept they can make a trip to other country to pick up information by getting another training style. Regardless of an enormous level of Australians having an inspirational demeanor towards settlers, exactly scarcely any rates have an extremely negative disposition towards them. As indicated by the ongoing examination, it demonstrates that 5% of Australians have an exceptionally negative demeanor towards English-talking and European nations. Be that as it may, this is named as uplifting news on the grounds that during the 1950s and 1960s mainland Europeans were dependent upon antagonistic vibe towards the Australian open. Another 14% have an adverse demeanor towards individuals from Asia, and they don't feel great with transients from India.(Godfrey, 2017, p.116) This little level of Australians contends that migration ought to be diminished as it adds to a ton of negative effects on their country. They accept that their way of life will be meddled with by the settlers. They additionally have a negative inclination that more experts foreigners who are outfitted with aptitudes and inf ormation in a particular field may take their situations at work making them jobless just as been glad for their accomplishments. This little gathering of Australians additionally accepts that the ethics of their new age can be changed and cause the youthful one in their general public to receive the way of life and practices of the settlers like Europeans who are accepted to prompt good rot. This is on the grounds that a ton of youthful grown-ups in Australia have a great perspective on multiculturalism and they are progressively keen on learning the traditions and legacy of various foreigner gatherings. The experience of numerous youthful grown-ups and young people is to encounter a different social condition and be locked in with virtual universes of their own decisions. Australia is experiencing a time of quickening change whose impacts draws in more prominent consideration from the more established ages. Enactment has changed the scene of Australia with respect to the assorted variety, desire, and conduct from multiple points of view. Assorted variety is characterized as contrasts identifying with sex, ethnicity, religion, physical abilities and age.(Callahan, 2015, np) With the ascent in globalization and movement and the inclination to recruit progressively capable representatives just as holding and rousing the best works by giving them motivating forces and advancements at their working environments, organizations around the globe ought to be fit for overseeing different workforces. As per an exploration led in 2009, Australia is the most socially assorted country in the world.(Persian, 2017, p.151) This examination uncovered different mentalities and enactment towards decent variety the executives in various Australian organizations. The film They're an unusual crowd Nino notwithstanding the way that he is a migrant to Australia can make sure about himself an occupation in a dev elopment firm. This is on the grounds that he is dedicated and that the explanation with respect to why he needed to make a trip to Australia after his cousin guaranteed him an occupation as a games journalist.(Ryan, 2015, p.86) His handwork and assurance make him secure a vocation in the development firm where he should do a great deal of difficult work regardless of the way that he is a columnist. His dedicated conduct makes him win his manager to permit him to wed Kay, his little girl. There are different advantages of overseeing assorted variety. Perceiving the criticalness of worker's commitment as per explore by corporate authority committee shows that more than 50000 out of 27 countries to increase a profound comprehension of the huge variables that impact the representative commitment. The examination indicated that the organization administrator is the key parts towards the representative commitment. (Davis, 2016, p.1)Employers should treat their representatives reasonably regardless of th eir sexual orientation and inception. This is on the grounds that when representatives are genuinely rewarded they feel inspired, and they will in general work extra harder. A study demonstrates that reasonable relationship between's decent variety fulfillment just as the general occupation fulfillment. Administrative guidelines in Australia the board of assorted variety is very much refreshing as individuals in the country are urged to relate well with one another in various territories like school and working environments regardless of their diversities.(Petrie, 2016, p.548) By doing as such, the country is in position to advance harmony and solidarity as all the individual are dealt with reasonably, and they feel increased in value. This causes them to have the desire of progressing in the direction of the improvement of the country. The fundamental point of the legislature and the enactment is to guarantee that each business and the residents of a country, just as the foreigners, are in a situation to live and work securely in a socially differing condition which is liberated from separation. This implies everybody in spite of their race, religion, conviction, and age is given similar preferences and opportunities.(Conrad, 2016, p.26) Individuals are should have been mindful of being in a situation to consent to the administrative commitments when working with customers and representatives. This is the reason in the film They're an abnormal horde Nino is fit for working with individuals from an alternate race, and he figures out how to make a great deal of companions too been in a situation to become hopelessly enamored with a woman from an alternate race. The enactment needs to manage practices like segregating individuals from various races like for instance in the film They're a peculiar horde Kay's dad has a negative mentality towards moves just as a columnist. The enactment needs to manage practices by thinking of hostile to separation and equivalent work open doors for both the settlers and its citizens.(Rooney, 2015, p.174) Legislation needs to guarantee that everybody is dealt with decently and situations where
Reaction for marriage and family free essay sample
I believe this was wonderfully composed. I can see extremely admirable sentiments, however I can likewise observe numerous things that a great deal of guardians don't follow as well as could be expected under the circumstances. My folks are extraordinary guardians, however there are a few ways of thinking in this composing I truly trust I would have profited by. My folks will in general be somewhat close and In my business since I am a lone kid and It has consistently been the three of us. One of the lines expresses that you may endeavor to resemble them, however look for not to make them like gracious. I can truly identify with this, in specific ways I have felt that my folks have attempted to make me like them as opposed to letting me bloom into whom I need to be. I may not generally settle on the decisions that they need, or that they would pick, yet in a similar embodiment we are on the whole unique and we are totally made to be who we need to turn into. We will compose a custom exposition test on Response for marriage and family or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The decisions and choices we make may not generally be acceptable or right, however the things we experience help us to grow up and learn things that we other shrewd would have never came to comprehend. I likewise concur especially with the part where he was discussing tot having the option to give your kids your thoughts.Parents can lecture their children and disclose to them their assessments all they need, however by the day's end we are for the most part our own people and we as a whole have our own perspectives and suppositions, through the things that we have experienced. Not one individual on this planet experiences the very same example as any other individual, we as a whole experience things that make us what our identity is, and we as a whole have and see things in an unexpected way. The excellence of that Is our musings are what make us, Some of the things that I don't especially concur with are the place he is stating that hillier come through you, yet are not so much you rs. That doesn't generally agree with me, since I feel that youngsters are a blessing to you and that they are yours. I accept that they are likewise blessings from God, however they are yours until you commit them back to God. That Is Just my dust however; I guess It could not be right. I feel that you are assume to bring up your children and deal with them and flexibly for them so in this way that implies that they are yours. That was actually the main part that didn't sit very well with me. By and large, I can identify with his way of thinking of parenting.I imagine that this composing was delightful. Simply perusing it truly made me contemplate child rearing and life. It is a profound and important way of thinking. It Is nearly as if he Is stating that a kid Is never actually yours, and that you are only there to be Like them. I don't imagine that to numerous guardians in reality live by this way of thinking. I see a great deal of guardians that attempt to control or live through their childrens lives. Some of the time I believe that guardians simply need to ensure or they want to much which is the reason they control, however it doesn't make it right.I imagine that if more guardians lived by the way of thinking there would be significantly progressively full grown youngsters on the planet, since they would have been figuring out how to make hand things to their children and plant their own perspectives in their children head, they don't let understanding and question life so they never truly get the chance to develop, at that point when they are on their own they go insane in li ght of the fact that they never got the opportunity to learn. I truly enjoyed this article, it truly made me think a lot and consider things my folks did and things that I might want to do later on.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Stricter Rules for Hockey Parents :: essays research papers
Stricter Rules for Hockey Parents      The game of hockey has a long glad history of being probably the best game in the world. Incredible energy for the fans and extraordinary diversion for the players, yet of late there has been an excess of accentuation on winning in the lower levels. It is extremely hard for kids now days to play hockey for the fun of the game.      It isn't simply the kids, or even the mentors that put this strain to win on them. It is the guardians of the kids who make this weight. Hockey guardians have made winning so significant that they now and then dismiss the explanation that they are there in any case. Hockey might be a quick paced, high adrenaline sport (you see more battles in hockey than some other group activity), yet guardians should leave the body contact to the players. Luckily, physical maltreatment is as yet not extremely basic in fields but rather consistently there are more reports of maddened guardians attacking refs or different players because of incidents that occurred during the game. Winning isn't the main explanation that a few guardians become disturbed. There has likewise been a developing problem with guardians getting insulted with mentors for factors as little as the measure of ice time their kid gets during a game. There is a developing aspiration among guardians for their kid to prevail in hockey also, become an expert even before the youngster arrives at immaturity. Albeit intense, physical maltreatment is as yet not a typical sight in fields, however it is a major issue which should be remedied. Boisterous attack nonetheless, is very regular in fields all over Ontario. Names and dangers can be heard originating from the remains at any gauge of hockey at any age. This is likewise a huge issue which needs to be halted.      The best barrier against this sort of conduct is make stricter punishments for anybody guardians who gain out of power. Any individual who is obnoxiously injurious to authorities or mentors ought to be given fines which increment for every infraction. In the event that the maltreatment proceeds after three fines then the individual ought to be prohibited from fields for a predetermined measure of time contingent upon the seriousness and the recurrence of the occasions. If not misuse perseveres considerably after the boycott the parent ought to be restricted from all minor hockey games forever.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
The Biological Reason to Practice Gratitude
The Biological Reason to Practice Gratitude Imagine a day when everything seems to be going wrong. You overslept. You put salt in your coffee instead of sugar.There was no hot water so you had to quickly shower with cold water.You have 24 missed calls from work â€" you are late, and you have a presentation to make, which you haven’t finished preparing.You can’t find a matching pair of socks â€" or your dress zipper is stuck at the bottom.When you leave the house, you step into mud and a bird poops on your forehead.That sounds like a day from hell, right?For most people, such a start to the day would ruin the rest of the day, or perhaps even the entire week.But does a bad start really mean that the rest of the day will be as bad?Think about it. The day is still young. Things could change.However, most people become grumpy because they choose to focus on the bad things that have already happened.Now, what if you changed your focus on the good things that could happen over the rest of the day, or the good things that are alre ady in your life?Is that even possible. Is there a way to find positivity in a day that has started out that bad?Turns out that you can, and that is made possible by an attitude of gratitude.Let’s get back to our nightmare morning. Despite all the bad things that have happened so far, you decide that there is no reason to get grumpy.Before you start your drive to work, you breathe in deeply, relax, and stop frowning.You start thinking about the things you are grateful for.For one, you are alive, right?That’s really something to be grateful for. You are healthy. You have a car.Sure, there was salt in your coffee, but having coffee and sugar and enough food to eat is a blessing. You have a job.Sure, there was no water, but at least you have a shower, so you can keep clean. You have enough clothes and so much moreAs you run through your list of things to be grateful for, you will progressively grow calmer, more confident, and you might even smile, ready to face the day, seize the m oment.This is the power of gratitude.Very often, people disregard the importance of being grateful for the good things we have in our lives.However, gratitude has a lot of benefits in our lives, both mentally and physically.What’s more, gratitude is not something that should only be reserved for the big things in our lives â€" I’m talking about things such as buying a home, getting your dream job, and so on.An attitude of gratitude requires that you show gratitude even for the small things, such as having food to eat or money to buy nice clothes.In this article, we will take a look at some biological reasons to practice gratitude.However, let us first start by understanding what gratitude is.WHAT IS GRATITUDE When most people hear the word gratitude, they think about saying “thank you†to someone who has done something good or helpful to you, or someone who has gifted you with something.However, gratitude is more than the act of saying thank you.It is also a positive emotion that is deeply rooted in our biology. It is a deep appreciation towards someone for something positive they did for you that was not essentially their obligation. It is the positive emotion of appreciation that someone feels after being the beneficiary of an altruistic act.According to researchers, gratitude involves two main steps. The first one is recognizing that an action has led to a positive outcome.The second step is recognizing that an external source was responsible for the action that led to the positive outcome.This means that gratitude is focused on the other, rather than the self.GRATITUDE REQUIRES A CHANGE IN ATTITUDEOur ingrained habit is to look at what we don’t have, gripe over what we lack, and hate ourselves for our deficiencies and flaws.Gratitude reverses that, and instead shines a light on what we do have, our advantages, our best qualities, and our blessings.When you focus on what you lack, you feel angry, lonely, ashamed, hopeless, unhappy, stressed, and t his can end up harming your health.On the other hand, when you focus on what you should be thankful for, you feel cheerful, confident, hopeful, happy, relaxed, beautiful, and this ultimately has a beneficial impact on your health and wellbeing.Gratitude is basically a superpower.Some of us have it naturally â€" the empathic, sweet, rosy souls among us.Some developed it after they went through something in life â€" for instance, surviving a car accident or cancer.As for the rest of us, we have to work hard and willfully to develop this superpower.THE EVOLUTION OF GRATITUDEThe theory of evolution is the basis of much scientific thought these days, particularly in the field of biology.It would therefore be amiss to discuss the biological basis of gratitude without considering how this emotion/practice evolved from our early roots.One of the insights made by evolution theory originator Charles Darwin is that our emotion-depicting facial expressions are universal.This suggests that all h umans, regardless of race, have a common descent.In his 1872 book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, Darwin identified six emotional states: happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, and disgust (if you have watched the Pixar movie Inside Out, you can recognize five of these emotions as the main characters of that movie).Using this assumption of universality of emotions, we can infer that gratitude too is a universal feeling. People in China, Congo, New Zealand, Canada, and Latvia… they are all capable of feeling gratitude.Studies of the ancient literature and oral literature of various cultures also reveal that gratitude is not a new phenomenon.For instance, a big part of religious worship, both in ancient and modern times, has always involved giving thanks to a something higher than ourselves: a deity, the universe, ancestors, dead kings, and so forth.A case study of this is ancient Egypt, where gratitude for life and its blessings was an important facet of the culture. Hathor was the goddess of humanity, motherhood, and joy of life â€" to be inducted into her cult, a person had to mention five things that they were grateful for in their life.These five things were known as “the five gifts of Hathor†and the person was instructed to remain grateful for them.Furthermore, a form of gratitude is observable in animals, particularly in primates such as chimpanzees.However, we cannot tell what animals are feeling. They do not say, “thank you†in a language we can understand. The best we can do is observe their behavior.In doing so, researchers have observed a behavior that they believe reflects gratitude in animals. This behavior has been named reciprocity.Reciprocity is expressed through exchange of kindness and good deeds. It is the old “scratch my back and I scratch yoursâ€. Having such a mutual arrangement benefits both parties. Reciprocity makes the two parties less fragile and more likely to survive.For instance, let’s assume I am hungry hungry, but I have water. On the other hand, you are thirsty, but you have food.If I give you my water, you will feel grateful and share some of your food with me. In this way, we both benefit/survive â€" we don’t die of hunger or thirst.This pragmatism of sharing and expression of gratitude through giving back may be a reason for the emergence and evolution of gratitude in society.It is a principle in evolutionary biology known as reciprocal altruism.According to gratitude researcher Michael McCullough, the positive feeling that arises from gratitude reminds us of benefits gotten from others and encourage us to show our appreciation. Our reciprocation in turn encourages them to help us again in future.In this way, gratitude inspires the building of social bonds and friendships.For instance, it has been observed that adult chimpanzees are more likely to share food with individuals who have groomed them previously that day.Sociologist George Simmel has called gratitude “the moral memory of mankindâ€, referring to how it encourages appreciation and repayment (or paying forward) of gifts.This benefit of gratitude may explain how it evolved â€" through the strengthening of bonds between members of a species who mutually assisted one another.EFFECTS OF GRATITUDE ON THE BRAINResearchers in the department of psychology at the University of Southern California did a study to observe the effects of gratitude on our brains.The study provided insights into the complexity of gratitude and its relation to other cognitive processes.The experiment took a group of participants and induced gratitude in them.The researchers achieved this by sharing stories of Holocaust survivors, talking about how these survivors received shelter from strangers, along with food and clothing.Naturally, the Holocaust survivors developed strong feelings of gratitude towards these strangers.These Holocaust accounts were presented in 48 brief vignettes, which each of the 23 particip ants read as he or she lay in a brain scanner.For each vignette they read, the participants were instructed to imagine themselves in the Holocaust.What would their experience feel like if they were in the same situation and received those gifts?For each gift they received, the participants were expected to rate the level of gratitude they felt. Meanwhile, the fMRI machine was recording their brain activity.It was observed that gratefulness causes enhanced activity in two primary regions of the brain: the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the anterior cingulated cortex (ACC).These are areas which have in the past been associated with functions such as bonding with others and rewarding social interactions, processing of emotions, understanding other people’s states of mind (empathy), and moral judgment.This pattern of brain activity demonstrates that gratitude is not merely a simple emotion you feel after receiving a nice thing.The brain activity pattern of the effect of gratitude shows that it is a complex social emotion that emphasizes how others seek to benefit us.What these findings reveal is that gratitude is not just about reward â€" for that reason, it doesn’t only show up in the brain’s reward center.Gratitude also encompasses our sense of right and wrong, connection with others, and the ability to see things from their perspective.What this suggests is that gratitude is indispensable for social cohesion.Perhaps human society would never have evolved into our complex social structures if not for gratitude.Our bonds with people around us would not be as deep.Gratitude binds us to the people we feel grateful to or for.Mutual gratitude binds us together. If you think about it, even macro-level relationships such as the ones between countries are built on gratitude and reciprocity.Gratitude is a recipe for building strong, enduring ties between individuals, families, communities, organizations, and countries.Furthermore, this study justifies the beli ef that gratitude is a moral emotion.There was brain activity in areas of the mind which have been established as the centers of our morality by different studies.This makes sense considering that gratitude can make us re-evaluate what is right.For instance, if a person you consider an enemy does a nice thing for you without expecting anything in return, how do you react? Do you do something in return, or say thank you?Chances are, you will stop viewing them as an enemy.Our own interpretation of these findings vis-à -vis morality is that gratitude encourages us to do what is right/just.If we were planning to do something wrong, let’s say play a prank on a rigid fellow but then we remember that one time he helped us out when we were broke, there is a high chance we won’t play the prank on them.However, this can also create a moral dilemma.Is it okay to give someone a pass just because you feel grateful to them? For instance, as a judge, should you be impartial or let your feeling s of gratitude to the plaintiff sway you?The study also showed that gratitude activates our ability to see other people’s perspective. This is empathy.If gratitude activates empathy, this has huge implications on social bonding and on our self-worth and confidence.Empathy through gratitude enables us to consider that the other person is human too and might appreciate a “thank you†or a gift.By putting ourselves in their shoes, we anticipate how they will receive our “thank youâ€. Grateful people are more empathetic and friendlier. They like people and people like them.Lack of gratitude, on the other hand, cultivates selfishness and arrogance.Rather than see what the other person needs, we only see what we want, what we don’t have, what we deserve.As a result, such a person is cranky, irritable, and people may find them irritating.Lack of gratitude makes you unlikeable.Practicing gratefulness focuses your attention on what people have done for you as opposed to what they h ave taken from you.When you consider what they sacrificed to do the things they did for you, this makes you appreciate them.It also builds your self-confidence and your ability to socialize and relate well with others.EFFECT OF GRATITUDE ON THE BODY AND PHYSICAL HEALTHResearch on the effects of gratitude on our physical health is still inconclusive.Preliminary research suggest correlation (not necessarily causality) between gratitude and good health.Generally, grateful people, regardless of age and nationality, report fewer health problems than less grateful people.Still, this is not enough to conclude that gratitude is the cause of better health. It could as well be a case of healthy people being more grateful than unhealthy people.More research is required before conclusions can be made and gratitude incorporated in doctor’s prescriptions.Researchers therefore have to investigate whether practicing gratitude causes an improvement in health.The project discovered that p eople who wrote an online gratitude journal during a two-week period reported less stomach pain, fewer headaches, reduced congestion, and better health in general.Still, people tend to overestimate the powers of a new treatment, so these findings, though instructive, are not exactly rigorous.We cannot ascertain how many of these positive reports were due to gratitude and how many were due to the placebo effect.In a 2003 paper published by Michael McCullough and Robert Emmons, college students who put down in writing what they were grateful for just once a week during a ten-week period reported fewer symptom of ill health than the students who wrote about the daily hassles and events in their lives.However, the findings are not conclusive, considering that college students who wrote in their gratitude journals daily over a two-week period (rather than ten) did not experience better health.Furthermore, the Emmons and McCullough study found that people suffering from neuromuscular dise ase did not experience better health after keeping a daily gratitude journal over a three-week period than people who only filled basic daily surveys.A study done on middle school students had similar findings: no health benefits. The test group was asked to perform a “counting blessings activity†for a period of two weeks. This group did not report superior physical health to other groups.However, these mixed results do not imply that gratitude journals and gratitude letters don’t improve health. Not all the parameters have been tested.Note that in the studies which showed no health benefits, participants practiced gratitude activities for short periods of time.Perhaps stronger effects would be observable if the studies were carried out over a longer period â€" like several months.We need more evidence before we can make any real conclusions about the effects of gratitude on health.However, that does not mean we should assume it doesn’t have any impact until it is proven that it does.Note that anecdotal evidence as well as ancient wisdom and common sense place a high premium on gratitude. Earlier, I talked about the ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor.The worship of Hathor was centered on the practice of gratitude.You were expected to keep in mind the five things in your life you would miss most if you died at that instance.An example response for the five gifts of Hathor might have included things like “My wife, my children, my job, camels, and dancing.â€Gratitude towards the gods is a recurring theme in all religions and cultures around the world from time immemorial.Furthermore, children were expected to be grateful to and for their parents and to respect them.People were also expected to be grateful for the rains and the bountiful harvest they brought. To this day, praying before meals is basically giving thanks for the food.We all know of people who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, after which they completely change their outlook in life and start to be grateful for even the little things.As a result, they start to live their best life and start ticking things off their bucket list, thinking they will die anyway… only they don’t. Inexplicably, they get better.The benefits of gratitude on health could be a result of the positive outlook on life that comes with an attitude of gratitude.A positive attitude reduces stress, which in turn increases life span, improves cardiovascular health, gives you greater resistance to the common cold, and generally improves your psychological and physical wellbeing.As with gratitude, there is no conclusive evidence on why positive thinking causes these health benefits.It is theorized that positive thinking helps you cope better with times of stress and that reduces the harmful effects stress causes to your body.Furthermore, it has been observed that people with a positive attitude live healthier lifestyles, which may also explain their good health.They work out, eat healthy, and avoid smoking or imbibing alcohol in excessive amounts.It is impossible to practice gratitude without altering your attitude from negative to positive. In fact, gratitude can be considered a gateway to positive thinking.If someone tells you, “Be positive†when times are tough, you might find it difficult to actualize this in practice.“Positive attitude†is an abstract concept. Gratitude, on the other hand, is a concrete, simple, actionable concept you can practice.If someone tells you, “Write down ten things you are grateful forâ€, you will likely go beyond ten. In the process, you are rewiring your brain, focusing it on your blessings rather than your misfortunes.In this way, you can see that gratitude is inseparable from “positive thinkingâ€.You cannot be grateful if you have a negative attitude, and you cannot have a positive attitude if you are ungrateful.Therefore, it is only logical that all the health benefits of positive thinking should also be attributed t o gratitude.EFFECT OF GRATITUDE ON PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING AND MENTAL HEALTHA study was done to investigate what effect gratitude has on the psychological and subjective wellbeing of hospital staff.The researchers chose hospital staff as the subjects of the study because theirs is one of the most stressful careers.It requires strong personal and mental capacities. For that reason, psychological wellbeing is necessary for people working in healthcare.The 70 participants of the study were randomly split into two groups. The test group underwent 10 group sessions during which they were given 90-minute gratitude training. The control group, on the other hand, received no such intervention.The findings showed that gratitude training had a significant effect on wellbeing.The participants in the test group had higher scores in the following domains:Personal growthSelf-acceptancePurpose in lifeRelation to othersEnvironmental masteryThe only domain that gratitude did not affect was “autono myâ€.Looking at these domains, it is clear that for you to be successful, happy, satisfied, and forward-moving in life, you have to practice gratitude.It is simply impossible to live your best life if:You are not growing.You don’t accept yourself.You lack life direction.You can’t relate well with others.You feel awkward and helpless.Just as we said earlier that gratitude is the gateway to positive thinking, we could also say that gratitude is one of the paths to environmental mastery, good relations with others, purpose in life, self-acceptance, and personal growth.These five are necessary for people handling stressful situations, as in the case of hospital staff.If stress is one of the causes of poor mental health, then it is clear that gratitude is one of the antidotes.WRAPPING UPIf you want to live your best life, to be healthy, happy, relaxed, and confident, you need to incorporate gratitude into your lifestyle. It may be difficult at first, but it’s doable.A good way to start practicing gratitude is to write down the things you are grateful for every night before you go to sleep.Think of it as your own version of your “gifts of Hathor.â€Think about the things that happened that day that you are grateful for, the people in your life you are grateful for, and so on.Whenever you find yourself battling with negativity, counter it by thinking about things you are grateful for. It always works!
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Evidence-Based Practice on Acute Otitis Media
Acute Otitis Media Abstract Acute otitis media is an infection in the middle ear that is very common among children and presents itself with pain and discomfort. This often causes the parents to seek help immediately as they try to relieve the child of the pain and discomfort. Clinicians have, however, noted that the pain is not always a reliable symptom for determining diagnostics in the case of acute otitis media. This is considered a bacterial infection, hence more and more physicians are recommending watchful waiting as an approach that is useful in determining whether the condition in question is AOM. What this means is that the approach is being put into serious consideration based on the numerous evidence that has been published by medical scholars on the subject.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Evaluation of Sociological Theories Essay - 1854 Words
Evaluation of Sociological Theories Deviance can be described as: Nonconformity with existing/traditional social norms. This nonconformity is often said to be pathological when it challenges power and privilege; yet it is said to be indicative of innovation or creativity when the gatekeepers of morality approve it. A loaded term, deviancy is a negative asset when the environment is stable but can be a positive asset to a society when the environment is irreversibly changing. Each perspective asks different questions and focuses on different issues regarding crime and deviance. They have different ideas about the causes of crime. Subcultural theories on crime and deviance were developed in the†¦show more content†¦Crime and Deviance is a product of an imbalance in societys goals an opportunity structures. Hard work and effort should be rewarded with status and material wealth. Some social groups (especially working class males) find that this is not the case. Working class male youths see images of success in the media and have high aspirations, which they are unable to reach. The opportunity structures are not in place for them. Socialisation with friends and family leave them unprepared for school and college, which is basically a middle class environment. They have come to terms with this by forming subcultures. As a group they look for solutions to their frustration. Delinquents have withdrawn their support from established norms and have invested officially forbidden norms of conduct with a claim to legitimacy in the light of their special situation [Cloward and Ohlin, 1960] Members of subcultures reject conventional values, they do not succeed in school or college, but they are good at things that their subculture values. A criticism of this view is that it regards everyone as having the same goals and aspirations. A good career with financial success is not everybodys aim. Walter B Miller (1962) suggested that crime is the result of normal working class values. The concerns of the working-class culture can lead working-class males into crime. Crime is an extension ofShow MoreRelatedTheories on Crime1253 Words  | 5 PagesTheories on Crime: The field of criminology is basically described as the study of crime through which the causes, prevention, and correction of offenses are examined. While this process can be extremely difficult, especially for students, the analysis of the causes of crime is significant to sociology and criminology. The difficulties associated with the study of crime originate from the numerous challenges in developing theories that explain human behavior. In relation to crime, human behaviorRead MoreDisability Term Paper1491 Words  | 6 PagesThis paper demonstrates that hitherto sociological analyses of disability have been theoretically and methodologically inadequate. 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